Tiffany Brody Blackbull (1993)
I took four courses when the program was in its first years. I wish I could have minored,
but I'm so proud to be part of the first group of students to take the classes. Peace
Studies played an integral role in my career path and eventual success as a teacher
on the Navajo Nation. The courses, taught by socially aware professors and activists,
opened my eyes to social inadequacies and the need to become a contributing member
of our society. I've lived and worked on the Navajo Nation for 16 years and I truly
feel I've made a difference.
Hannah Mermelstein (2002)
Peace Studies helped prepare me, in content and practice, for my work as a facilitator
of delegations to Palestine, an organizer and activist in New York on issues both
local and global, and a librarian and educator in New York. Ten years after graduation,
I am still in touch with professors from the program, which I think is clear evidence
of both their dedication and influence.
Katherine Leswing (2007)
While at Goucher, I became active in after school mentoring program for Baltimore
City middle school students. After graduation, I decided to continue to work with
youth through AmeriCorps Vista. I worked as a Program Coordinator for the Students
Sharing Coalition where I taught a social justice/civic engagement curriculum to middle
school students. I later completed another year of service with AmeriCorps National,
working as a Program Coordinator for Play works, a national nonprofit dedicated to
providing safe and healthy play opportunities in urban elementary schools.
I am currently enrolled in a dual degree masters program at American University where
I am a pursuing an M.A. in International Peace and Conflict Resolution and an M.A.T
for Secondary Education. The Peace Studies major has prepared me to analyze global
conflicts, as I am currently doing at the graduate level, and to mediate personal
conflicts as they arise in schools, the workplace and daily life.
Sierra De Silva (2010)
After graduation I worked for two years with the Baltimore City Community Mediation
Center (CM) as a Mediator, Outreach Coordinator and Partnership Specialist through
AmeriCorps State and National. I fostered a partnership between Community Mediation
and Goucher. When starting out in the professional world it is not always about work
experience, but your approach to the work; it is problem solving, strategic planning
and implementation that make the difference. The Peace Studies degree definitely prepared
me to think critically, weigh all factors of a given scenario, and take action rather
than speculate.
Carly Heinz (2010)
After graduating with a Peace Studies Major, I moved to New York City to work for
“City Year” where I tutored and mentored middle school students in East Harlem for
one year. Then I decided to enter the MA program in Irish and Irish American Studies
at NYU in 2011. I am currently working on my Master thesis on gender and performativity
in traditional Irish theater and Irish prison protest during the Troubles in Northern
Ireland. I also work part time for a nonprofit fundraising and consulting firm.
Mary Wahl (2011)
Since graduating, I have worked in the Office of Residential Life at Goucher College.
Before starting this position, I completed the mediation training in Baltimore City.
I am fortunate to be able to use these mediation skills daily at Residential Life
as well as many creative conflict resolution skills. I have also been able to work
with the peace studies faculty to help create a peer mediation service on campus,
a service that is still in its infancy but is continuously growing. In addition, I
perform housing operations and judicial affairs, supervise various student leaders,
take part in the emergency on-call staff, and plan campus-wide events, among many
other tasks. Another area of my position I am able to use my peace studies background
is within the judicial affairs. I have been educated on restorative practices available
for use in judicial cases, and when applicable, we aim to use these over the more
punitive options. Lastly, I often assist students in resolving their own conflicts
in a variety of formats, and those are my favorite moments of the job!
Scott Davis (2010)
I graduated with a double major in Peace Studies and Spanish, a minor in history and
a concentration in secondary education. From 2010 to 2012, I taught Spanish at Lansdowne
Middle School in Baltimore County. At Lansdowne, I taught introductory Spanish to
seventh and eighth graders. Following the end of the school year in 2012, I moved
to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since then, I have been working as a travel consultant
and volunteering at Centro Conviven, a local community center in Buenos Aires where I teach English classes.
Ayma Rouhani (2011)
After graduating with a major in International Relations and a minor in Peace Studies,
I found it hard to narrow my interests and skills to a specific field. I decided to
spend a year as a volunteer at the Baha’i World Center in Haifa, Israel and discovered
my passion for public health and community education. Working with volunteers from
all over the world, I created a committee that would allow a productive discussion
of health concerns within our group. This initiative allowed me to experience “real
life” challenges that occur when aiming to integrate conflict management and advance
public health practices in a manner that is non-disruptive and maintains the unity
of a diverse group of individuals. Many theories and skills I had learned in my Peace
Studies courses, such as working in groups, dealing with conflict in a healthy manner,
and looking at an issue in a comprehensive and multi-faceted manner, came in to play.
These experiences consolidated my personal belief that the field of public health,
specifically, community health education, is where I was most passionate and best
utilized my skills.
Kira Silk (2011)
After graduating from Goucher, I worked at a residential treatment home for children
and teenagers in the welfare system with behavior and mental health issues. The cyclical
nature of the child welfare system concerns me and my Peace Studies education at Goucher
has helped me understand my desire to study the public health aspects of the child
welfare system and what leads children to be taken from their families and placed
into care in the first place. The Peace Studies introduced me to the concepts of Public
Health and the importance of looking at structural causes to social issues. I recently
started graduate school, pursuing a Masters in social work to better understand and
address these issues.
Chiara Collette (2012)
I was an elementary education major and peace studies minor at Goucher. Currently
I am serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tonga in the South Pacific where I will
be teaching English at a rural school while also creating healthy lifestyles projects
for the next two years. Peace studies helped prepare me for this experience by giving
me a foundation in analytical thinking and self motivation that has allowed me to
work in this very flexible environment in which much of my days work is determined
by me. Peace Studies emphasized the idea that my responsibility in helping others
could fall anywhere in the world, as I felt a sense of responsibility for all people,
not just those in my immediate area.
Christina Murphy (2012)
After graduating with a double major in Peace Studies and French, I decided to take
some time off before applying to graduate school. I went to India for two months,
where I volunteered at a sustainable living community and reforestation project and
taught English at a school for village children. I also traveled to Uganda and Rwanda
for a two-week conference called "Whose Community? Memory, Conflict, and Tradition"
that focused on the role of identity in conflicts in the Great Lakes region. I hope
to start graduate school to get my Masters degree in human rights and international
peace studies.